Join Us
Scottish Charity Number SC035474
You can pay by cheque directly to,
' The Friends of Brechin Town House Museum ', 28 High Street, Brechin, Scotland. DD9 6EU
Make your cheque payable to, 'The Friends of Brechin Town House Museum'.
Ensure that you include your name and address.
If you live outwith the U.K. you can also use PAY PAL to pay with a credit card. This is free and secure.
A membership card and newsletter will be sent to you.
A subscription concession is available to pensioners and unemployed.
Donations Welcome. All subscriptions are renewable yearly.
Individual Subscription £ 10 - Individual Concession Subscription £ 8 - Couples Subscription £ 16
Couples Concession Subscription £ 14 - Overseas Individual Subscription £ 15 -Corporate/Business Subscription £ 25
Overseas Couple Subscription £ 21
Pay Pal Subscriptions if paying by credit or bank card.
Overseas Individual